Category: Spreadsheet Templates

Spreadsheet Template - Prioritized Brainstorm

Organize your brainstorm sessions. Headings include: Sequence, Date, Idea, Possible, Cost, Person 1 Rank, Person 2 Rank, Entered by, Details, Notes.

Spreadsheet Template - Prioritized Tasks

Make a to-do list where you can rank tasks in order of importance. Headings include: Sequence, Entered, Entered by, Assigned to, Priority, Idea, Status, Next Update, Due, Started, Cost, Details, Notes.

Spreadsheet Template - Expense Report

Keep track of your spending whether it be personal, business, or otherwise. Headings include: Date, Credit Card used, Purchased From, Quantity, Dollars, Extended, Shipped to, Project, Description.

Spreadsheet Template - Cell Phone Bill Tracking

Keep track of your family sharing plan. Stay up-to-date on payments that have been made or know when someone has fallen behind. Headings include: Entry, Statement Date, Amount, Balance, and Notes.

Spreadsheet Template - Grocery List

Make your trip to the grocery store much easier with this template. Heading names include: Sort and Category Descriptions, Item, Brands, Brand Alternate, Store, Priority, Last Purchase Date, Next Purchase Date, Times Per Years, Substitutes.

Spreadsheet Template - Movies

Use this template to rank your favorite movies or make a must-watch list. Headings include: Date, Date Watched, My Priority, Description, IMDB Rating, Type, Year, MPAA, Star 1, Star 2, Star 3, Director, Notes.

Spreadsheet Template - Club Speaker Calendar

Plan and organizers speakers that are coming to talk to your club. Headings include: Sequence, Date, Idea, Possible, Cost, Person 1 Rank, Person 2 Rank, Entered by, Details, Notes.

Spreadsheet Template - Ranked List

Build a list where you can rank items in order of importance. Headings include: Date, Original Sequence, Priority, Purge, Description, Long Description, Category, Sub Category, Amount, and Notes.

Spreadsheet Template - Basic

Start here. This is a basic template for anything you want to build in Excel. Headings include: Sequence, Date, Item, Quantity, Price, Extended and Description.

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