Contact: Ed Skinner,, 9374337661,
Type: Government
Address: 155 W. Spring Valley Rd
Centerville, Ohio 45458
Amount: 500
Amount Details: See attached spreadsheet
Who Benefits: Children from Centerville and Washington Twp. community
Number of Youth Served: Approximately 200. We generally have 800-900 people sign up for the event.
Locality Served: Event participants are from the Centerville-Washington Twp. area
Repeat Request: One Time
Primary Source of Funds: Sponsorships (usually 5 or 6 local business or organizations) traditionally cover about half of the cost of this event. The remainder is paid for by the City of Centerville.
Funds Need by: 6/1/23
Future Requests: Future requests are not anticipated
Other Funding Sources: See Primary Source of Funds above
Vetter: Date Called: April 6, 2023
Vetter Notes:
1. 2023.04.06 called and talked to Ed Skinner at 2:10 PM
2. This is the third year for Ed Skinner running this event.
3. Last year they expanded the kids the area. Some families show up that are not doing the clue search and they have gotten good feedback about the kids area.
4. We can put up a sign. He thought the new sandwich board would be fine.
5. This is a chance for CNO to get a logo on T-Shirts.
6. Patrick asked, “Do you just rotate requests or did someone drop out?”
a. They try to rotate sponsors each year so as not to ask one place too much.
b. CNO has not donated to this before.
c. They would be open to planned sponsorship each year.
7. They try and get 5-6 sponsors each year.
8. Front of the shirt is the theme artwork. On the back would be the police logo then just 5-6 logos on the back.
9. Logo is needed by middle of May 2023 for the shirt.
10. Ed Skinner for the past few years has worked with Paul Boeckman on the CNO Bike Rodeo.
Check Payable To: City of Centerville mailed to the address above to the attention of Officer Ed Skinner
Disposition: VP Reviewed ID: 119, March 28, 2023 at 3:35 pm, Via: Website